A little about me...


Hello everyone!

It has taken me a lot of courage and persistence to end up at this moment- the moment of writing my first blog post. I have honestly never written a blog post before this and I haven't got a clue where to begin other than to say, "Hi, I'm Gina!" and yes, my last name is Hartley, and no, I'm not closely or somewhat related to Hannah or Mamrie. 

A little bit about me... hmmm... where to begin...

First of all, I'm Australian, I'm a writer and I love, love, love Disney. There, I said it. I'm not even sorry. My favourite food is Indian, my favourite movie is Hercules (the cartoon obviously), and my favourite colour is a lilac purple. (The colour of Jacaranda trees if we're being specific) 

The reason for the creation of this blog was for me to explore my dream of becoming a writer. I have been writing short stories for as long as I can remember and I created this space to freely post them. I hope to one day have the opportunity of writing a novel, although I try not to get ahead of myself. haha. 

I think that just about sums up my intentions and I hope it gave you a little bit of an insight into my life at present. I am excited to be taking you all on this little journey with me and hope that you enjoy it every second of the way!

Until next time, 
Gina xx

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